MAY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
On the History of the Problem of Coincidence
Gulshen Isha qizi Mehdiyeva
Military Academy named after Heydar Aliyev, PH.D., associate professor, Baku, Azerbaijan

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Foreign influences on the English and Azerbaijani languages have given many linguistic units to the lexical composition of these languages. With the richness and development of both languages, different areas of the lexical layer have also been enriched. If we take the wealth of Turkic languages separately, then it is possible to observe the influence of the Russian language in those languages. Many words of Russian origin have entered the lexical layer of Turkic languages. J. Khalilova writes about this: "The languages of the Turkic peoples had a strong influence on the cultural, household and military lexicon of the Russian language and enriched it." [Khalilova 1991, p.4]. It is observed that most of the words that were transferred to Turkic languages from Russian are still used in Turkish languages, even though they are no longer used in that language.


culture, military, coincidence, language, lexicon, relationship


1) Khalilova, S. International terms. / S. Khalilova. - Baku: Maarif, - 1991. - 189 p.

2) Jacobson, R.O. questions of poetics. Postscript to the book of the same name. / R.O. Jacobson. - M.: Progress, - 1987. - 464 p.

3) Veysalli, F.Y. Fundamentals of Linguistics. / F.Y. Veysalli. - Baku: Translator, - 2013. - 420 p.

4) Veysalli, F.Y. Encyclopedia of Linguistics. / F.Y. Veysalli. - Baku: Translator, - c.I, -2006. - 514 p.

5) Smith, A. Essays on Philosophical Subjects. / A.Smith. – England: Liberty Fund, – 1982. – 391 p.

6) Savitsky, P.N. Eurasia continent. / P.N.Savitsky. - M.: Agraf, - 1997. - 464 p.

7) Muller, F.M. Lectures on the Science of Language: Vols 1-2, 1875, Scribner, Armstrong and Co. / F.M.Muller. – New York (original work published 1861), – 1996. – 500 p

8) Savitsky, P.N. Russia and Latinism // Russia and Latinism. Digest of articles. - Berlin, - 1923. - p. 9-15.

9) Toman, J. The Magic of a Common Language: Jakobson, Mathesius, Trubetzkoy, and the Prague Linguistic Circle (Current Studies in Linguistics). – Cambridge: The MIT Press, – 1856. – 384 p.

10) Bakhtin M.M. The problem of speech genres // In: M.M. Bakhtin. Literary-critical articles. Moscow: Fiction. 1953/1986, p. 428-472. 11) Savitsky, P.N. Eurasia continent. / P.N.Savitsky. - M.: Agraf, - 1997. - 464 p.

12) Nikolai, Y.M. Chan (Laz) Grammar. / Y.M.Nikolai. Type. imp. Akademіi Sciences, – 1910. –240 p.

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023

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